How does Ratios section work?

Financial ratios are numbers that help us understand how healthy a business is by comparing different numbers in its financial statements.

In the Ratios section of Modeliks, we present 20 of the most relevant financial ratios that you should be tracking within your business 📝

With Modeliks, you can easily compare the actual performance of your business against your plan and previous periods using key profitability, liquidity, leverage, and efficiency ratios. These ratios provide valuable insights into various aspects of your business's financial performance, helping you assess and monitor its overall health.



Automatic Calculation and Visualization

To get started, simply choose the time period for which you want to view the ratios in the upper banner of the Ratios section. Next, select the Comparative periods. Here you can compare your Actuals, Forecast (plan), Previous Year & Previous Period.


ratios comparison


Understanding Your Business Better

The Ratios section within your Dashboards empowers you to understand your business better by providing a comprehensive view of its financial performance. By tracking these key financial ratios, you can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Whether you're assessing profitability, liquidity, leverage, or efficiency, these ratios offer valuable insights that guide your decision-making process.


By comparing performance across key financial ratios, you can gain a deeper understanding of your business's overall financial condition. 


❣️ To visually grasp how the Ratios section works, make sure to check out our informative video tutorial.