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How to manage Users on my account?

Within the Users section, you have the power to view the account owner, add new users, and fine-tune their permissions.

Adding users

By clicking on "Add New Users", for each user, a new pop-up window will appear asking you to fill in information about the desired user.


Here, you need to enter their name and email address. Here, you have the flexibility to assign different permissions to each user. You can choose whether they have Editor or Viewer permissions, granting them the ability to modify the content or simply view it.

add user-1

Next, you have the power to control access to specific sections of the platform. This means you can limit the areas that each user can access, ensuring that they only have permissions relevant to their role or responsibilities. 

By customizing access rights, you can enhance security and confidentiality within the platform. You can also specify which company the user has access to. This feature is particularly valuable in cases where multiple companies are associated with Modeliks.

Under Account Details >>> General Info you can see how many users includes your current subscription plan ✔️