In this article, we'll walk you through the process of adding a new revenue stream step-by-step.
When it comes to creating a financial plan for your business, the revenue is a great place to start 🙌
Step 1
Click the "Add Revenue" Button to add a new revenue stream. This will open the revenue input screen, where you start your revenue journey.
Step 2
Next, name your revenue stream and select the revenue type. Choose a name for your revenue stream that reflects the product or service you're selling. If you're selling books, name your revenue stream "Book Sales". Then, select the revenue type that best fits your business:
- Product Sales
- Service Revenue
- Subscription
- Revenue Only
For our example, we will select the Product Sales revenue type since we want to calculate how many books we want to sell, and at what price ✅
Step 3
On the input screen, at the top, you can see the type of data that we need to enter in order to calculate our book revenue. In our case, we need to enter the Unit Sales (number of books we sell) and Unit Prices (price per book) ✅
You can enter values manually, copy and paste data from other cells in Modeliks or Excel, or use a growth rate to calculate the number of units sold.
For our example, we will enter 1,000 unit sales and $100 price per unit for the total period ✅
After clicking on "Save & Close", you will be able to see your revenue listed in the table below, by clicking over the revenue name, to expand the list and see detailed information.
Additional Chart Analysis
The input screen also gives you the option to select and view Breakdown and Growth analysis on the displayed bar charts. Here, you can choose and select the Unit Display settings, which can be in $ value, Thousands (K) & Millions (M).
1. Toggle Actuals
By clicking on the first option, you can see your actuals table below your forecast table. In order to see numbers, you need to enter your actual data in Dashboards >>> Actuals 😍
2. Truncate Numbers/ Show full numbers
This option lets you shorten large numbers. When activated, it displays three dots next to the number instead of the full numerical value in a cell. To view the full number again, just click the same option.
3. Decrease display of decimalsHere, you have the option to reduce the number of decimals displayed for your numbers.
4. Increase display of decimalsBy clicking here, you can increase the number of decimals displayed.
5. Decrease table fontHere, you can decrease or basically zoom out only the table font.
6. Increase table font
This option help you to increase the table font and make the appearance bigger. Basically, you can enlarge the view to zoom in and view bigger table font.
You can shift viewing monthly & yearly information by selecting the Monthly or Yearly button ✔️
Growth Rate %
🔎 Growth Rate represents the expected monthly or annual increase in unit sales, based on factors such as market trends, customer demand, or promotional activities.
If you want to use a Growth Rate to calculate the number of units sold, click on the "% growth" checkbox below the table. A new table opens below.
- You need to enter the first number of units sold and select the "Start period" - the month when you expect to start selling these units.
- After that, write the expected monthly and annual growth rates, which will be automatically calculated. In our case, we expect an increase in sales by 5% each month ✅
🌟 Modeliks will automatically calculate the number of units sold for each subsequent month in your forecast period based on the growth rate you entered.
📝 Edit your Revenue Stream
If you need to make any changes to the number of units sold or unit prices, you can do so directly on the main revenue screen.
💪 Keep in mind that blue-colored numbers are editable right on the spot, black numbers are calculations and the arrow option allows you to paste the value to the end.
Alternatively, you can click on the edit icon that appears when you hover over the revenues' name to make changes. You can add as many revenue streams as you need by clicking the "Add Revenue Stream" button.
❣️ For more detailed instructions on how to use the revenue & growth rate feature in Modeliks, be sure to check out our full video tutorial on Revenue.